In the Viena bike, you can enjoy a 48v and 20Ah battery (up to 200 km range) with ergonomic finishes, with a Promax handlebar, gel seat from Veil and Suntour nex front shock absorber, everything you need to enjoy a comfortable and pleasant ride. The bike is available in blue or yellow.
If you plan to take your child on the road, this model has a luggage rack that can support a load of up to 25 kg.
The Shimano MT200 hydraulic disc brake system guarantees the highest safety when travelling with your bike and easier maintenance.
The wheels (available 26 or 28 inches) are from the prestigious Michelin brand with reflective tape. Double-walled rims make the wheel more rigid and therefore much more resistant, thus extending its life span.
The electrical system was developed by UBKSystems, with a 250W brushless rear motor and a digital display with 5 levels of assistance.
You benefit from a two-year warranty on all electrical equipment.
Rafmagnshjól Viena 28″ Gult
Viena Rafmagnshjól frá Urbanbiker á Spáni.
Höfum hafið sölu á vönduðum og þægilegum rafmagnsreiðhjólum hönnuðum fyrir borgir og bæi með vönduðum íhlutum.
28″ hentar fyrir 175-188 cm há einstaklinga
– Large stærð af hjóli með 49 cm frá hnakk niður á miðju pedala
Allt að 200km drægni.
Álstell, RST Neon gafflar, Shimano MT200 vökvabremsur, Promax stýri og sæti með dempun, Hutchinson Haussman Cross dekk með endurskini, Promax stöng, LED Spanninga Galeo framljós, LED afturljós, Lateral stillanlegur standari, Rafhlaðan er 48V og 20 amperstundir (960Wh), Hjólið er 26kg, 7 gíra, Veil gel hnakkur, Felgurnar eru með tvöföldum vegg, Felgugjörðin er úr 304 ryðfríu stáli, Bögglaberi sem þolir allt að 25kg, LCD Skjár Multi Display, UBK System 250W Kolalaus mótor, tog 50Nm.
Tveggja ára verksmiðjuábyrgð á öllum rafmagns íhlutum.
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