The CUTTER 70 CT is a 70 A plasma cutter with a cutting capacity of 35 mm thick on a multitude of materials.
Designed to be used in difficult environments, it has a very robust mechanics and a user friendly control panel.
Cuts steels (mild, stainless steel, hardened, HLE), aluminium, copper…
– 3 operating modes:
– Cutting solid sheets
– Cutting wire mesh
– Trigger locking Gouging with maximum shrinkage
– Allows important metal removal (specific skid and nozzle in options)
– Premium torch TECMO® (leading supplier in Europe).
– HF-free priming avoids interference that can damage nearby electronic equipment
– It is pre-wired for use on automatic cutting tables.
Comes with an ergonomic and high-performance 6 m manual torch
– 400 V three phase power supply.
Plasmaskurðarvél CUTTER 70 A
6m byssa, fyrir mest 35mm þykkt stál og 25mm ál.
Til á lager
Vörunúmer: gys013841
Flokkar: Plasmaskurðarvélar, Plasmaskurður, Rafsuða & Plasmi
Merkimiðar: Plasmaskurðarvélar, Plasmaskurður, Rafsuða & Plasmi
Vörumerki: GYS France
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